4 Ways to Preserve Your Summer Harvest

As an Amazon Associate, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you, if purchases are made through any of the links below. Preserve your summer harvest! Being able to keep and use those fruits and veggies that you have worked so hard for is absolutely essential for any gardener. Here in my gardening zone (US zone 7b) we are in the middle of summer harvest time. That means we have an abundance of fresh veggies that we need to preserve for winter. If you’re like me, you are going to want to save as much of those veggies as you can and you will want to have them in many forms to use in recipes later.  There are many way you can preserve your harvest, but the four I use are freezing, dehydrating, canning, and fermentation. 4 Ways to Preserve your Harvest Preserve your harvest by…

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Simple Sustainable Swaps

As we talked about in a previous blog post, we live a life of absolute convenience. One of the ways we make life more convenient is by using disposable everything.…


Choices, choices, choices…

We are bombarded every day with so many choices. What to wear? Which show do we watch? Do you wear your hair up or down? What do I have for…

Convenience but at what Cost

When we look back through the decades, we comparatively live a much easier life than our ancestors. We’re hungry? We can go to the store that’s right down the street…